Wednesday 30 March 2016

An open letter to Donald J Trump and the American people

Dear Mr Trump,
As a politician, Adolf Hitler gained popularity by telling the people of Germany things they wanted to hear. His supporters believed in him and thought that his ideas were right for the people and the country at that time.
Recently, over half a million British citizens signed a petition with the aim that you do not enter the United Kingdom; these people range from business leaders to the man on the street and a debate was held in the UK Parliament on whether restrictions would be made against you. If it ever came to pass whereby a country started to impose trade sanctions or embargos against America as a result of your Presidential actions, what would you do?
Hitler’s armies caused untold bloodshed  against so many others all at his request. Yet they believed he was doing the right thing; they liked him as their leader. They respected him. The influence of one man over so many others is chilling.
Unlike Adolf Hitler, potentially you could have your finger available to the nuclear button. Would you use it as a sure and swift way of eradicating those that you see as an enemy by "Hitting them hard"? Or would you sit down and use the power of words rather than the power of the pistol?
Finally,  if you do manage to become President, Would you respect any decisions or votes that are collectively made by Congress or would you override, ignore and go ahead with your policies no matter what? From what I’ve seen, you certainly give me the impression that it’s either going to be Trump’s way or the Highway. And that I find to be very, very scary. 
P.s. How would you get Mexico to pay for the wall???

Friday 18 March 2016

I'm Going to be successful - and I won't stop til I get there...

It's a well known fact in this world that if you really want to be someone and go somewhere then dedication, hard work, and a goal to work for can move you up the career ladder to where you want to be.
But what if you are right at the bottom in an environment that is alien to you and don't know where to start?
This happened to me a few years ago. I had an idea for a brand new, never seen before reality television program that would be great all round family entertainment which would capture the attention of different generations young and old. I saw this as real prime time Saturday evening material that could be sold from country to country and make millions for whoever took me up on the idea. I did some research and found no other TV idea of this kind existed - this really was a "first" in broadcast terms and a fresh new approach to something quite unique. If only I could speak to the right decision makers.
Sadly though, that's where the problems started.
You see, as excited and enthusiastic as I was, no matter how hard I tried I could never get to sit in front of a panel of people and pitch my idea to them. Websites like LinkedIn simply didn't exist back then and even the Internet itself was in its infancy. I lived in a small town near an idyllic forest with a young family to care for and the idea of finding the right person who lived in the hustle and bustle of the big city was a daunting one. I did try and make contact with a few professionals by writing letters to some production companies but without a target name to aim for my search proved pointless and for all I know, my letters just probably ended up in the bin as I wasn't an accredited source.
A few years down the line and I still have my dream, my goal and one day I WILL succeed. Now, I've moved house, have a little less hair and a bit more waistline but still the same passion and flair for getting my idea off the ground. The problem of finding the right decision maker within the Factual Entertainment genre is still there but thankfully with various internet based groups it is made easier. I'm not afraid to put together once more dedication, hard work and burn the midnight oil, as I truly believe that obstacles are things a person sees when they take their mind of their goal. I've still never seen anything like my idea on TV and genuinely believe that there is a market for what I have to offer.
I want to throw this open and ask what did you do to achieve what appears to be the seemingly impossible? Did you give up or did you keep on striving? What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them? 1 year ago I never had a LinkedIn account, now I have over 2000 contacts plus some endorsements and recommendations. And it was all done by hard work, dedication and...... burning the midnight oil.
It's wrong to pitch my idea here but if anyone is interested then leave me your details and I will get hold of you. You only live once and I firmly believe you should always grab each and every opportunity that comes your way with both hands as you may never get the same chance again - no matter what it is in life. Who knows where it could lead? This could be the start of a beautiful new dawn, a new day, a new light........ and I'm feeling good.


Just a bit of Friday Fun

Here is something I saw on a forum recently It is a literal translation from Mandarin to English, taken from a sign in a hotel room in Beijing.

Getting There:
Our representative will make you wait at the airport. The bus to the hotel
runs along the lake shore. Soon you will feel pleasure in passing water. You
will know that you are getting near the hotel, because you will go round the
bend. The manager will await you in the entrance hall. He always tries to
have intercourse with all new guests.

The Hotel:
This is a family hotel, so children are very welcome. We of course are
always pleased to accept adultery. Highly skilled nurses are available in
the evenings to put down your children. Guests are invited to conjugate in
the bar and expose themselves to others. But please note that ladies are not
allowed to have babies in the bar. We organize social games, so no guest is
ever left alone to play with them self.

The Restaurant:
Our menus have been carefully chosen to be ordinary and unexciting. At
dinner, our quartet will circulate from table to table, and fiddle with you.

Your Room:
Every room has excellent facilities for your private parts. In winter, every
room is on heat. Each room has a balcony offering views of outstanding
obscenity! .. You will not be disturbed by traffic noise, since the road
between the hotel and the lake is used only by pederasts.

Your Bed:
Your bed has been made in accordance with local tradition. If you have any
other ideas please ring for the chambermaid. Please take advantage of her.
She will be very pleased to squash your shirts, blouses and underwear. If
asked, she will also squeeze your trousers.

Above All:
When you leave us at the end of your holiday, you will have no hope. You
will struggle to forget it.

Hope you liked it! Feel free to share.


Thursday 17 March 2016


The perils and pitfalls of a man who's trying to get a job.

Click here for the bit that will give greater interest and help make you some money.

Click here for the full story.

Click here for contact details and to see my full LinkedIn Profile. 

Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Reality of Stress brought on at Work

A few years ago I was suffering from work related stress. A series of situations over the previous 3-4 years had taken their toll and reduced me to a helpless quivering shell of someone who used to resemble me. One Friday evening in December the final straw snapped and I was left in a heap on the bed crying my eyes out with no-where to go, nothing to see and was not able to find a way out. The spiraling black walls of stress had finally caved in on me and crushed their mighty blow reducing me to lie motionless in life's despair. I had come to the end of the line.
Normally I'm a healthy, forward thinking and active individual who knows where he is going and what he is doing. But when all you can see day after day are hours and hours of endless depression, a feeling of worthlessness and anxiety all around you, even the slightest task or conversation with others become daunting. More and more I became less and less as I started to become invisible with the world. I was surviving on just two to three hours sleep a night and eventually became paranoid thinking that everyone at work was talking about me behind my back. Whilst at the same time I was glad I was being talked about for it meant that I was the topic of conversation and not being excluded from everyone. A strange paradox but none the less a true one.
I could go on and explain the physical symptoms I experienced which ultimately led me to taking not one but two trips to hospital by ambulance. In my mind the aches and pains were very real with one occasion feeling all the signs of a genuine heart attack. Thankfully though after being given a multiple series of tests, checkups and an interrogation by the doctors that even the Gestapo would have been proud of, physically I am fine.
Were it not for the immense support, care and love from my wife with whom I am dedicating this article to, I'm not sure what would have happened next after that Friday evening.
So what did we do? We sat down and worked out a plan!
First of all I took a trip to the doctors where I told him pretty much everything I could think of. How it started, what happened and where I was at. If you want to get better then there is no point in hiding anything back and you have got to speak out. We talked at length and he was very understanding eventually deciding on doing two things. First of all after signing me off from work for two weeks I was given some sleeping tablets to help me rest and secondly he said I had to go for long walks "to clear my head". I was hesitant about this as I looked outside the window at the weather on a howling London winter's evening. Rain was lashing against the panes of glass and the bare trees were violently swaying from side to side in the roaring wind but I decided to give it a go.
I went to bed that night and took a pill. Thirteen hours later, I woke up. It seemed strange not going into work and going about the usual routine but I knew it was day one of the recovery process and that if I was going to turn this thing around then I had to make a start somewhere. Over the next few days I rested and walked. It's true that when you start walking your mind wanders and little by little things that were once blurred start to come back into focus again. Eventually I was off work for just over six weeks culminating in repeated trips to the doctor to monitor my progress. When I eventually went back into the office some spoke to me and some didn't but that did change. I had meetings with relevant departments within the company and things changed there too. Ideas and plans that were suggested before and refused are now being implemented. The progress was slow but definitely moved in the right direction.
Five months on as I sat in the conservatory overlooking the garden I could start to feel the creativity come back again. The dark days of the past were still fresh in my memory but I was looking forward. Even now I will still have on occasion some symptoms that I experienced from before but they are slowly dissolving away. My wife has been my rock and I cannot thank her enough for her support. I'm hoping that by writing my Wingwalker Writes blogs I can put my foot down on another stepping stone and move forward, clearing my head and seeing a brighter future. For me the bad days of depression, despair and feeling as valued as something scraped off the sole of someone's shoe are going. When you have hit rock bottom the only way forward is up. I'm still climbing and not at the top yet but it feels great to be on the move once more.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Donald Trump - A journalist's dream subject...

I don't need to write anything about this guy, he does it all for himself.

Ask yourself what will you do if he get's into power? The man who could eventually have his finger on the Nuclear button. Now that's scary!!!


Monday 14 March 2016

The man who could have his finger on the Nuclear Button

Just remember guys, if this guy gets in he could have his finger on the Nuclear button. I wonder what North Korea would say to that?



Friday 4 March 2016

Gizza Job

It's 4pm on a sunny yet cold Friday March afternoon.

Outside the school kids chatter loudly as they walk by in groups past my window, eagerly making their way home to enjoy the weekend. Inside, I'm sat at my computer for what seems like an eternity, day in day out week in week out sending off endless letters, CV's and application forms in the vain hope of trying to get some form of employment. 

I've now been out of work for quite some time and had a few great interviews but no offers. I've signed myself up to various different agencies and told the power hungry crazed "agents" what my salary expectations are. I've tidied up my covering letter, my CV and my LinkedIn Profile. I've registered with various job websites, broadened my horizons and even contacted my old colleagues from times gone by. But nothing as of yet. 

Every day the morning starts with trolling the various different emails from the job sites, followed by breakfast. Then, back to the computer and in search of my next application to fill in. The other day I filled out a form to work at an establishment in London. Everything was going well until I was asked the following questions when they wanted to know more about my background.

Were my parents educated to degree standard?

What kind of establishment was I educated in?

Did my household ever receive state benefits?

Did we receive any food vouchers? 

Now - unless I'm missing something specific here, how does that tell an employer whether I as an individual have the ability to perform a specific role? Obviously I'm not going to name the place but I wonder if this is a vision of the future that prospective employers are now asking? 

Later in the day and I stop for a quick break, a quick spot of TV news and then back to the laptop. I make a few calls, hit a few more keys on the computer and my rear end gets numb from sitting in the same spot for hours on end. 

Finally I stop as the light fades and it's getting harder to read what is on the screen. Hopefully tomorrow may bring some good fortune, hopefully tomorrow I may get my dream job or hopefully tomorrow I may just actually get some general work no matter what it is. Soon my wife will be home and so I play the dutiful husband by cooking the evening meal for when she comes in. We sit, we chat about our day and we watch a bit of TV before heading off to bed before starting another round in the morning of dealing with this wretched thing called unemployment. It stinks!

And in case you were wondering...... this is the kind of thing I help to create.

My LinkedIn Profile can be found here
