Thursday 11 June 2015

I'll get there one day...

It's a well known fact in this world that if you really want to be someone and go somewhere then dedication, hard work, a goal to work for can move you up the career ladder to where you want to be.

But what if you are right at the bottom in an environment that is alien to you and don't know where to start?
This happened to me a few years ago. I had an idea for a brand new, never seen before reality television program that would be great all round family entertainment which would capture the attention of different generations young and old. I saw this as real prime time Saturday evening material that could be sold from country to country and make millions for whoever took me up on the idea. I did some research and found no other TV idea of this kind existed - this really was a "first" in broadcast terms and a fresh new approach to something quite unique. If only I could speak to the right decision makers.

Sadly though, that's where the problems started.

You see, as excited and enthusiastic as I was, no matter how hard I tried I could never get to sit in front of a panel of people and pitch my idea to them. Websites like LinkedIn simply didn't exist back then and even the Internet itself was in its infancy. I lived in a small town near an idyllic forest with a young family to care for and the idea of finding the right person who lived in the hustle and bustle of the big city was a daunting one. I did try and make contact with a few professionals by writing letters to some production companies but without a target name to aim for my search proved pointless and for all I know, my letters just probably ended up in the bin as I wasn't an accredited source.

A few years down the line and I still have my dream, my goal and one day I WILL succeed. Now, I've moved house, have a little less hair and a bit more waistline but still the same passion and flair for getting my idea off the ground. The problem of finding the right decision maker within the Factual Entertainment genre is still there but thankfully with various internet based groups it is made easier. I'm not afraid to put together once more dedication, hard work and burn the midnight oil, as I truly believe that obstacles are things a person sees when they take their mind of their goal. I've still never seen anything like my idea on TV and genuinely believe that there is a market for what I have to offer.

I want to throw this open to you and ask what did you do to achieve what appears to be the seemingly impossible? Did you give up or did you keep on striving? What obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them? 1 year ago I never had a LinkedIn account, now I have nearly 2000 contacts plus some endorsements and recommendations. And it was all done by hard work, dedication and...... burning the midnight oil.

It's wrong to pitch my idea here but if anyone is interested then leave me your details and I will get hold of you. You only live once and I firmly believe you should always grab each and every opportunity that comes your way with both hands as you may never get the same chance again - no matter what it is in life. Who knows where it could lead? This could be the start of a beautiful new dawn, a new day, a new light........ and I'm feeling good.

If you want to know more about me then click here...
