Tuesday 23 July 2013

Do you believe in life after death? Reincarnation revised

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and all that. One thing I'm not going to cover in this blog is the why's and wherefore's of various different religions but I just want to ask you the simple question, what do you believe happens next?

I was born in January making me Capricorn as far as the astrology goes, and like all Capricorns I'm true to form and very much an earth sign. I believe in the four elements of earth, wind, fire and water and can genuinely say I feel a true affinity with Stonehenge and all it is said to hold and possess. I feel at one with the earth, I respect the earth and I like to think that I am in harmony with the earth. After saying all that I'm not a tree hugger, I drive wherever I can and last year alone flew across the Atlantic not once but four times, thus adding my bit of carbon on a great big hairy plane.

But one thing is for sure and that is prior to meeting my wife I was really on two minds whenever the subject of life after death ever cropped up - usually after the consumption of large quantities of alcohol on a Friday night when my friends and I would sit around the table discussing all matters "important" and putting the world to right in the wee early hours of the morning. However, over the years my perception on this has now changed. Everyone in the world has their own little foibles, little elements about themselves which make up the person that they are. Whilst some inherit their father's nose and others look like they have their grandmother's hands, we all have just that little something inside of us that sets us apart from one another in our own unique little way and with my wife, it is what makes up her whole personality.

Apart from being (in my eyes of course) the best thing since sliced bread she has certain elements that have given us both reason to believe she used to be a Parlour Maid around the time of the 1800's. As a couple of examples, she loves to watch any kind of period drama on the TV, especially Downton Abbey +Downton Abbey Addicts and The White Queen, she loves to sew embroidery and of course my favorite bit, she loves to cook for her man - i.e., me! Even her style of dress, taste in music, academic achievements and books that she reads will all fall into or around that particular category one way or another.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my wife dearly and there is not a day goes by when we don't say I love you to each other - and mean it - but I do wonder how this modern day woman who was brought up in a busy yet stable environment, who is technically minded and can work her way around the back end of a computer, who loves to watch the Formula 1 car racing and can drink you under the table can possess so many old fashioned like qualities without any external influence and make her the person that she is. The only thing we wonder is has she been born again? Did she serve with nobility in times gone by and if this has happened once before then how many times has it happened with the rest of us? This is a topic that could go on and on and to keep this blog short and sweet I've merely scratched the surface on what could be much more but I will leave it there and let you make up your own mind. So what happens after you shift of this mortal coil?  Let me know what you think I would be really interested to hear all your comments.


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