Monday 23 January 2012

Do you think this is right???

When Tony Blair first came into power in March 1997 I opposed my parents arguments that New Labour was just the same as that of the old labour of the 1970's. Strikes, the three day week and Union rule. Give the guy a chance I said, let him prove his worth and see what he can do. You never know what might happen for the good of the country after well over a decade of previous Tory rule. However my comments and points at the time fell on deaf ears and it would appear by now as we all know, they were probably right.

Now today's blog is not about the rights and wrongs of Politics, who did what to whom and when and in which party, but it does concern that of The former Prime Minister, Tony Blair. For sure, it seems that his achillees heel was the War on Turr and that his best mate was a bit of a plank when it came to the world stage but its after he finished being this countries leader that his greed is good policy seems to have escalated. According to this report it would appear that Tony earned around twelve million pounds last year and yet paid only a measily 315K in tax. Nice work if you can get it and I'm sure that some would argue that it is the job of an accountant to make sure you legally only pay as little in tax as you possibly have to. However, when half the country is falling on its knees and the other half are tightening its belts so tight they are practically suffocating themselves through debt or fear of debt then I think that something here is fundamentally wrong. So here is my little message to the man himself.

Tony, you are a public figure. Your fundamental policies of believing in the Labour party for the good of the common man should be considered here. You were once elected by the people of this land to be their leader. They believed in you, they wanted you to work for them. If you ever get the opportunity of reading this blog (which somehow I doubt but I'm ever the optimist) then I ask of you to search your heart and economise like the rest of us. Stop charging tens of thousands of pounds for a twenty minute speech and give some back to the community. You have enough to live on for the rest of your life without having to worry where your next meal is coming from. I've seen poverty in the raw, I've seen what it can do to you and how people are affected both in the UK and abroad. Please just take a step back and think about those people who voted for you and then consider what they think of you now. You are in the wonderful position to turn things around no matter how much people think of you and show that you care. Start a charity or two and give generously to those who first believed in you.

Sorry for going a little over the top there, I know that this could be the start of a much bigger blog as to who put the taxation laws into place and why yadda yadda yadda. Had it not been the fact I am so tired right now then I would write more - much more but I'll leave it there for now and invite you to comment on what you think and feel about Mr Blair getting so much yet giving so little back.


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